Ario takes things off your plate

Family Calendaring
With one screenshot, Ario adds every school event straight to your calendar (and your partner's!)
Amazon Returns
Sync your Amazon with Ario, and never miss a return window again! Ario will proactively alert you before a return is due.
Schedule Management
Accidentally double-booked your
work call with your kid's dentist appointment? Ario helps you fix
it before it happens.
Trip Research
Tell Ario about an upcoming trip, and it will recommend tailored activities based what you and your kids are into.

Easy Family Calendaring

With one screenshot, Ario adds every school event straight to your calendar (and your partner's!)

Trip Research

Tell Ario about an upcoming trip, and it will recommend tailored activities based what you and your kids are into.

Never Double-Book Again

Kid's dentist overlaps with your work call? Ario helps you fix it before it happens.

Amazon Returns Made Simple

Sync your Amazon with Ario, and never miss a return window again!

Three ways of handing off tasks to Ario

Send photos and screenshots
Tell it your to-dos
Forward emails

Ario knows you without you having to tell it

Ario syncs with the apps you use everyday so that it can figure things out on its own!