Frequently Asked Questions

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School Email Decoder

Does School Email Decoder work with email attachments?

Yes, Ario will scan attached pdfs and docs, in addition to the content in the body of the email.

Can Ario look at the school emails in my Outlook or Apple Mail?

At this time, Ario can only sync with Gmail inboxes.

How do I set up ClassDojo to work with the Ario School Email Decoder?

Ario can decode communication from ClassDojo, so long as you receive ClassDojo notifications via Gmail. If you currently receive push notifications via the app instead of email notifications, follow these steps:

1. Open an email sent from ClassDojo
2. Scroll to the bottom of the email and tap on the “Manage Email Preferences” link.
3. Scroll to the “Email Verification” section and move the toggle to “Yes.” This will ensure notifications are sent as emails rather than app-based notifications.
Note: If the bottom of the page says “App Notification” rather than “Email Notification,” then no change is needed.
4. Tap “Save Preferences”

Ario will scan the emails and find important events to add to your personal calendar, key tasks to add to your To-Do List, and valuable information worth highlighting. You will not need to check your inbox or tap into the ClassDojo app.

Calendar Management

What kind of photos can Ario add to my calendar?

Ario can use all kinds of images to add events to your calendar. Here are some of the photos and screenshots users have uploaded to Ario:

Birthday party invites
Soccer schedules
WhatsApp thread arranging a playdate
Facebook event
Email from a doctor’s office
Neighborhood Flyers
Handwritten to-do list

Can Ario add events to my partner's calendar?

Yes! When you add the event(s), simply tell Ario "add my [partner's name] as well." Ario will confirm your partner's email address with you, and then add the event to their calendar.

How do I add an Outlook calendar to Ario?

If your Outlook calendar is already linked to your Google or Apple account, tap on “Settings” within the app.

Next to “Subscribed Calendars,” tap “See all.”

Find the name of your Outlook calendar in the list, and then toggle the switch to the right. 

If your Outlook calendar is not yet linked, follow these instructions.

Other Questions

Does Ario sell my data?

Never have, never will. When you connect your inbox or calendar to Ario, the data is only ever used by your assistant to make your life easier. And you can disconnect your Gmail/Google Calendar/Apple Calendar at any time from within the app.

Is Ario actually free?

Yes! We may add new, premium features in the future, but the app and school email decoder are entirely free.